Andrew Burton
0414 662584
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 9am to 4pm

Sales Links

BurtonIT act as resellers for various products we are proud to associate with and offer as solutions for our clients, where appropriate.

One of the companies that we are agents for is ESET which is the parent company and supplier of Anti-Virus and security solutions for individuals through to major corporations. Over the many years we have recommended, sold, installed and serviced the ESET range we and our clients have never been let down by this product group and their success speaks for itself. In short, ESET products make BurtonIT look good because they work. Other products in this field offer BurtonIT substantially more profit and more exposure but we stick with ESET because their ethos of providing real world solutions that work sits exactly with our aim for our clients.

Click on the icon, below, for information about ESET and their products.

ESET -  Ultimate internet security for your ultimate performance at Home or in Business
Ultimate internet security for your ultimate performance

ESET products are not only one of the most effective Security range available, they importantly take up very little resources on your system doing so. This means you get a product that works but doesn’t feel like it’s a virus or malware, itself!

You can read further information about awards that ESET has achieved, through independent third parties, by clicking HERE.

If you would like to discuss using ESET products for your anti-virus system then please don’t hesitate to call Andrew on the number provided above.

BurtonIT recommend HostingBay for both Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting. We personally use this company and have had nothing but quality, responsive, personal, service from them over many years. For further information and a link to place orders, click on the Logo link, below.

HostingBay - Austrlia's leading web hosting Services
HostingBay – Web hosting by Web People for Normal People