Andrew Burton
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A Laptop is not meant for a Lap.

BurtonIT Laptop
A Laptop where it can be used without issue.

A Laptop is not meant for a Lap, (or a bed/Doona/lounge top)! So what is the correct use of a Laptop?

I know. I know. The name says it’s for the top of a lap. It’s a pity the name is a genuine misnomer. People everywhere are using these devices in exactly the manner that the name suggests and are being surprised when their lap becomes very uncomfortable and the Laptop stops working.  Unfortunately, the name, (probably the back-slapping result of a marketing meeting), wasn’t taken in to account when the device was designed. Now people everywhere are wondering why the expensive device they purchased is either on its way out or is actually already dead.

In another post on this site I mention that electronic devices produce heat. To many people this isn’t a surprise. Yet among them are still people who don’t look in to the appearance of the case and realise the truth of how these devices are in fact designed. Let’s look in to the obvious and determine the correct way to use these devices.

Design – how do we use the Laptop as its designed?

Firstly, when we look for how the device is designed to deal with the heat, we need to see what the designers used for getting rid of the heat. As per usual that is done with air. Fans suck in air and blow it past the components and have the, now heated air, escape through vents. Simple, right? Again, usually yes. Where are these vents and openings? On the bottom. Underneath. Right where you have the Laptop sitting. Being blocked by your legs and clothes, (or worse).

Bottom of Laptop
The Bottom of a Laptop, showing vents.

Worse is the domain of the Laptop killers. Quite often these are young people. Usually young girls, more often than not. They know the Laptop gets hot when on their laps so they don’t put it there. They make themselves more comfortable and place the Laptop on the Doona Covers in front of them. I applaud getting comfortable, but blocking the vents and then expecting the Laptop to keep working is just not going to happen for any length of time. Whether the Laptop is killed fast or slow the laptop is still being killed. There is a very simple solution, though.

The Solution – simple!

Place the Laptop on a flat surface that lets the air circulate. Seems obvious, doesn’t it. Put the Laptop on a table a desk or get a flat piece of hard board and put your Laptop on that. Now the air can flow under, around and through the Laptop and allow the overheating design to do its job.

Anywhere Lap Desk
The Anywhere Lap Desk

I purchased the Anywhere Lap Desk from Officeworks, but options exist, (Stable Table maybe), from a number of sources or just from your own resourcefulness.

SlumberTrek - Anywhere Lap Desk
SlumberTrek – Anywhere Lap Desk Information

Congratulations, you now can use your very expensive Laptop and have it do its job at it’s optimum for the full potential of its design and manufacture life. You have learnt the correct use of a Laptop!

You’ve spent the money. Enjoy the Laptop.

Keep up the fight.

Andrew Burton

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